The Reckoning: Education and the Environment Twenty Years After Hurricane Katrina

The Reckoning: Education and the Environment Twenty Years After Hurricane Katrina

          The Loyola Law Review is proud to host its 2025 Symposium entitled, “The Reckoning: Education and the Environment Twenty Years After Hurricane Katrina.” On March 28, 2025, we will explore the long-term effects of the storm on New Orleans’ public education system and the ecological consequences to the vulnerable populations in the Gulf Coast region. Our symposium will include attorneys, charter school representatives, teachers, policymakers, researchers, environmental activists, public officials, and community activists.

           During the first half of the day, we will analyze the effectiveness of the charter school system, highlight disparities in the system, and discuss strategies for improving public education as we advance. In the afternoon, we will examine how to mitigate the devastating effects of future natural disasters, protect vulnerable and Indigenous populations from environmental harm, and devise strategies for preserving the Gulf Coast Region. We will conclude with a keynote presentation from Senator Mary L. Landrieu regarding the challenges faced and lessons learned as public officials navigated the post-Katrina recovery.



8:30 AM - Registration

9:00 AM - Welcome

9:10 AM - Profiles of Educational and Economic Outcomes in Southeast Louisiana

9:20 AM - The Charter School Experience: Reflections on the Nation’s Only Fully Charter School System

11:00 AM - Continued Vigilance: Strategies for Protecting Vulnerable Populations Within Educational Systems

12:30 PM - Lunch

1:30PM - Profiles of Coastal Land Loss and Environmental Challenges in Southwest Louisiana

1:40PM - A Crash Course: Lessons Learned in Protecting the Guld Coast and Vulnerable Populations After Natural Disasters

3:30 PM - Keynote Presentations