
The Loyola Law Review is NO LONGER accepting submissions for the Spring 2025 issue of Volume 71. We encourage contributors to submit their manuscripts through Scholastica or via our submission form for v. 72 at a later date.

For more information about our author guidelines, please see below, or check out our “For Authors” page. Our editors look forward to reading your submissions!


Print Submission Guidelines

  • The Loyola Law Review strongly prefers articles under 25,000 words in length – the equivalent of about fifty published pages – including text and footnotes. The Loyola Law Review also encourages shorter essays which may include discussion of or commentary on recent developments, or those intended to engage in discussion or advance an idea. A piece is considered an essay if it is under 12,000 words in length – the equivalent of about twenty-five published pages.

  • Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the 21st Edition of the Bluebook.

  • The Loyola Law Review carefully considers all manuscripts on a rolling basis. However, we do not review articles between mid-May and the beginning of August. We notify authors of our decisions by email, but as a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication decisions. The Law Review is committed to give every author at least seven days to decide whether to accept any offer of publication.

The Forum Submissions

The Loyola Law Review is NO LONGER accepting submissions for its online companion, The Forum, v. 71. Online pieces are typically short (2,500–5,000 words), timely, and applicable to a general audience. The Forum accepts pieces for publication on a rolling basis during the academic year. All submissions should be in Microsoft Word format, and all citations should conform to standard Bluebook style, 21st Edition. Please direct submissions to our submission form and any questions to and include “Online Submission” in the subject line.

Any Questions?
526 Pine St
New Orleans, LA 70118